Thursday, 11 October 2012


A quick intro.......

I have just qualified as an Adult Nurse, i decided to write a blog as a kind of reflection process for me. I am hoping that in a years time I will be able to look back and recognise how far I have travelled since my first few shifts as an actual, proper staff nurse!

I have also realised that i am encountering situations that sometimes I don't know how to deal with. This blog will be a way of debriefing (of course everything will be anonymous and nothing specific will be discussed). I am new to blogging and hope that I will be given some leeway for my typo's/grammatical errors/general ramblings (I have a tendency to write really long sentences - so apologies in advance!).

I welcome feedback, even constructive criticism but I am currently overwhelmed with the responsibilities I now have so please, be kind.

About me.......

I am in my early 30's, started my training after having children, getting married etc etc etc. Nursing wasn't my original career choice but after some wobbles I can hand-on-heart say that I am glad I chose to do it and wouldn't want to change it now. Academically I did really well, despite the trials and tribulations that many people experience during training. I have managed to qualify with what is generally known as an Advanced Diploma. This means I have a diploma in nursing plus some degree level modules. Eventually I hope to top-up to a full honours degree but for now I think I have enough on my plate just attempting to consolidate what I have learnt so far.

I hope that this blog may be of some use to others who are in the same situation as me or who may be about to qualify (if this is you, don't give up - eventually you get there and the relief is massive!). And maybe it will remind others of what it is like to be the newbie. We were all that person once and whilst most people are really supportive there are always those who seem to forget that once upon a time, they were in my shoes too.

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